14 June 2023


Our story at beach school today was ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Cat’ by Ronda and David Armitage.  After we had listened to the story we wrote a recipe for ‘star-gazy pie’.   We made a list of all the ingredients to put in the pie. We also learnt what the word ‘caterwauling’ meant when the seagulls in the story were squawking at Hamish in the tree.

In the story we looked at the map of the village that Hamish went to.  We made our own roads in the sand and pushed some cars along our maps.

For our maths we set up a shop to buy ingredients for our star-gazy pie.  Reception children were brilliant at making different amounts and the nursery children were able to recognise some coins.

After lunch we listened to the story again.  Some of us pretended to be Hamish and we asked him questions.  We asked ‘Do you eat birds?’  ‘Were you scared of the other cats?’  ‘Do you like the mice?’ ‘What is your favourite thing to eat?’ ‘How old are you?’.

We then put Hamish in basket and lowered him down the sand dunes just like Mrs Grinling lowered him down from the tree at the end of the story.  We then made a zip line for Hamish to go down and raced him down the sand dunes!

On our way back we stuck different things that we found on to a plate to make a star-gazy pie.


What a warm day at Beach School this week!  It was lovely and the children coped very well.  We made sure we were fully hydrated at all times and applied sun cream regularly!

As usual, we began with Worship by the Waves.    This week we were thinking about love.  We heard a passage from the Bible about love, which is popular at weddings.  We were then offered a love heart sweet and while we were eating it we thought about someone important in our lives and said a thank you prayer for them.  At the end of worship this week we sang the song ‘Love is something if you give it away.’

We then headed up into the dunes for some shade while we did our writing.  This week we were using the poem from last week ’10 things I found in a shipwrecked sailor’s pocket’ and thought about other things we would find in his pocket.  Some of the things we came up with were; a broken bottle of rum, a flaming hot jellyfish and a long piece of marram grass. 

After we had collated all our ideas we went down onto the sand to make some giant beach collage art work.  The brief was to make an animal out of things found on the beach.  Have a look at some of the pictures – can you tell what they are?

We headed up to the golf club for lunch and a refill of our water bottles before heading back down to the beach to do some maths.  The year 1s were thinking about using the language of in front of, behind, to the left and to the right.  They drew what they could see in each position.  The year 2s were also doing position and direction but they were using language such as forward, backwards, up, down, left and right.  They had to write the shortest route through the maze for the animals on their piece of paper.

Well done for coping so well in the heat Puffins!  Proud of you all.