25 October 2024

After Worship by the Waves we did our Beach School Journals.  We wrote adjectives and nouns to describe our scenery and then turned them into some sentences.  After snack we did a little bit of sorting ourselves according to a variety of criteria, and then got out our sketchbooks for some art.  We thought about the landscape around us, talking about the horizon and how we might represent it when drawing.  We also looked at how in real life there isn't a blank piece between the sky and the sea, and how we need to make sure the sky comes right down to the horizon.  We were using oil pastels, so looked at how we could use them in different ways, and what the best effects would be. We thought about the importance that the direction of our marks makes and what direction would be best to represent what we could see.  We then had a go at drawing some landscape pictures of the sea and the dunes.  There were definite improvements in outcomes as we progressed.

This week we have been learning about real life superheroes.  Our beach school book today was ‘Real Superheroes’ by Julia Seal.  We all wrote about what real life super hero we would like to be when we grow up. 

We then made some roads in the sand and used some emergency vehicles to make up stories. 

In maths we did some subitising numbers using a dice.  The Reception children then used two dice to practising their addition skills.  We have been learning about calling 999 in an emergency this week so we practised writing 9 in the sand.

We finished beach school today with PE, using small balls to practise our throwing and catching.