7 March 2025


Today at the beach we took our book of the week ‘The Train Ride’ by June Cribbin to read as our beach school story.  After we read the story we pretended to be a train, making train sounds and saying the repeating phrase from the story ‘What shall I see? What shall I see?’.  In the story the train goes into a tunnel.  We used drainpipes buried in the sand to make tunnels for our trains.  It was really fun, sometimes our trains got stuck in the tunnel so we had to work out how to get them out the other side. 

When the rain stopped we did our writing.  We thought about all the animals that the little girl saw when she looked out of the window.  We then drew the animals and wrote a list of them.  We looked at some pictures of train tracks and then made a big train track in the sand using seaweed, driftwood and marram grass.

For our maths today the Reception children continued with their part whole models using seashells and stones to make ten.  Some of the Nursery children continued with learning about capacity using the sand while the others practised their counting by counting shells into buckets.

Before we went back to school we balanced a long a washed up tree trunk and went for a walk in the dunes chanting ‘What shall I see? What shall I see?’ like the girl in the story.  We spoke about  what we saw in the dunes, describing what the things looked like.

Beach school started with Worship by the Waves led by Mrs Popay on the theme Fruits of the Spirit. 

We hopped straight into cross country. This week, joined by the Seal class, Orcas did a great job showing their development of different running styles - walking, jogging, running, sprinting, a discussion of pace and breathing. The class then completed their time distances with their partners documenting it then swapping places. I must say I am very proud of the entire class resilience, stamina and attitude - in a few short weeks there has been a HUGE improvement - well done Orcas. 

We then moved to the introduction of our History topic - What was the impact of World War 2 on Britain? 

We started with a brief synopsis of the war talking about the Munich Treaty and the key dates, then working as a team we placed them upon a timeline. 

Moving on, we went back to the Amazon with a twice fried oiseau - reading the next chapter of the book and planning a menu of evening meals that you could make with what you can find in the Amazon. 

Back to school, we typed up our thank you letters and blurbs from yesterday and completed some more history too! Another happy Friday!