19 April 2024
Happy first Beach School of the summer term, we began with Mrs Popay leading Worship by the Waves where the children learned about the Modern Saints, the children teamed up with younger ones and drew and created their own shield.
After that, Orcas were off on their litter pick, as part of our Young Leaders Award the children are required to help support their community through different activities. This is our second community challenge as we have previously made thank you cards for the golf club we will also be taking part in the North East Children’s Cancer Run. This half term we completed a litter pick from Embleton to Low Newton along the beach and then back through the dunes, whilst on our way back we popped into the bird hide and discussed the different birds we could see, and then we discussed the ratio of one type of bird to the other. The children then drew what they could see.
Mrs Brealey then had a discussion PSHE lesson with the Orca class.
Coming back to the Golf Club the children continued with their litter pick after lunch we then made our way back to school – via the play park, back at school the children then completed their next part of their Young Leaders Award and completed a presentation about a specific UK charity explaining its purpose.
Our story at the beach today was ‘Once Upon a Tide’ by Tony Mitton and Selina Young. In this rhyming story an unnamed boy and his older friend Bess build a boat to sail to the place where the sea meets the sky and find buried treasure. They have an adventure then return to their home shore to grow older singing songs of far-off seas with children sitting round their knees.
After listening to the story we looked at the page ‘where the sea meets the sky’ and spoke about the ‘horizon’. We then sat and looked out to sea and saw where the sea meets the sky from our beach. We used our beach sketch books and different shades of blue and grey pencils to sketch the horizon. When we had finished we compared our drawings to the picture in the book.
In the book one of the pages says ‘Bess got the biscuits. I made the tea. We both had a sit down by the sea.’ so for our snack we had biscuits and made some tea! On another page in the book the two characters stitch up a sail, it would have been a bit tricky for us to do some sewing on the beach so we did some weaving. We looked for long pieces of seaweed and marram grass and weaved the into our weaving frames.
In maths today the Reception children used teen numbers and did some sharing talking about odd and even numbers. This week the Nursery children have been learning about sequencing so they talked about how to make a sandcastle and what you needed to do first, second and third.
After lunch we went back to the beach for our RE. We heard the traditional Muslim story ‘Seven New Kittens’. The story has the message to encourage people to treasure the natural world and reflect on the beauty and wonder of the world.
There were some huge foaming waves this afternoon so we spent some time reflecting on the wonder of the waves before we went back to school.