12 July 2024


Today marked the end of another school year at our beloved beach school. As we gathered on the sandy shore, the sun shining brightly overhead, we took a moment to reflect on the memories we have made, the lessons we have learned, and the adventures that await us in the year ahead. We sat in a circle, each of us thinking about what we have enjoyed most during this year, what we have not enjoyed so much, and our hopes and dreams for the future. It was heart-warming to hear the honest and thoughtful reflections of the children. After our reflections, we delved into an exciting activity - creating our manifestos. We discussed important issues such as budgets, taxes, defences, and health, and came up with some intriguing proposals. It was inspiring to see the innovative ideas that the children had. After refuelling, we headed back down to the beach for some well-deserved playtime with the other classes.