Summer 24 - Eshott Airfield

Again as part of our History unit on 'How we learnt to fly' KS1 took a trip down to Eshott Airfield.  Whilst there we had a brief talk about the difference between old and new planes then took a walk down to the hangers.  Here we met John who talked us through what happens when aircrafts come in for an inspection.  We then got to sit in an aircraft from the 60s before Darren opened up the Tiger Flights hanger.  The children loved being so close to these old aircrafts; they even got to sit in them!  The realised they were a little too small to be able to see where they were going! 
Whilst walking back to the minibus we met one of Mrs G's friends who kindly took his aircraft for a spin so we managed to see an aircraft take off!  This was very noisy for the children but very exciting.  He then turned around and did a fly past especially for us!