21 February 2025

Despite the windy weather we enjoyed our last morning at beach school before the half term break. The children had a vote to decide which story to read today and chose The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar by Russell Punter. We know this story very well as it has been a favourite to read during this term so we knew when we needed to ‘Roar’ like the dinosaur! We then wrote and drew about our favourite parts of the story.
We have really enjoyed learning all about dinosaurs this term and we talked about all the facts that we have learnt, we are all very good at remembering the names of the different types of dinosaurs too! For maths we took the dinosaur puppets down to the beach that we had made with Mrs Brealey, Mrs Cotton put numbers on them so we had to put them in the correct order, then had to work out which dinosaur was missing when one was taken away.
After snack we did some PE. We all joined in with some team games, and moved like dinosaurs. We found a big piece of drift wood and loved jumping over it. We then made a big dinosaur world together, we looked at the story and used it to give us ideas. We used sand castles as the volcano’s, put some sticks in the sand for trees, lots of sea weed as the river and the piece of drift wood was a great bridge for the dinosaurs.