26 April 2023


A rather bright beach school started – as always – with Worship by the Waves, kindly led by Grace and Mrs Popay. After worship Orcas then moved to a different side of the beach to begin our lessons. We started with investigating the poem Six Impossible Things to do Before Breakfast, the children discussed the different poetic devices used and how it was almost a play on words. The children then discussed their favourite breakfasts and produced their own poems in the style of Six Impossible Things to do Before Breakfast.

In Geography we have been investigating the Americas. Today, we practiced our note taking skills whilst concentrating on North America. After that, the children used the map of the continent and worked as a team to recreate it. We did have some interesting examples.

In PE we have been continuing with athletics today – middle distance running. We discussed last weeks lesson and looking at running as different gears. We then completed runs of different lengths at different gears, some shorter and some longer than others. In this lesson the resilience that the children showed was great, no one gave and no one was negative. Well done Orcas.


Our book at the beach today was ‘Harry Saves the Ocean’ by Sylva Fae.  Whilst on holiday Harry meets a whale who is in trouble. The whale then tells Harry about the growing problem of plastic pollution, and decides to do something about it.  There was a repeating phrase in this book that we all joined in with: ‘It’s a big job for one, but if we all lend a hand.  We’ll soon make a difference to the sea and the sand’.

After listening to the story we made posters to help save the oceans.  We looked at some photographs of beaches that were covered in litter.  We were very thankful that our beach doesn’t have lots of litter on it.

After that we made a ‘holiday house for a mouse’ in the sand just like Harry went to in the story.  Some of us walked down to the sea where a fisherman told us he was fishing for flatfish. 

We went on a litter pick along the beach, fortunately we didn’t find too much rubbish but we collected what we found and disposed of it properly.  We did see a wheel which was much too big to put in our bucket but we did come up with lots of ideas as to how it ended up on the beach.

In PE we continued to use beanbags and practised the game we played last week.  We are getting really good at following the rules of the game and watching to make sure the person we are throwing the beanbag at is watching. 


Another sunny day for us at beach school today! We began with worship by the waves then went off to do our writing.  We were thinking about using similes in our writing.  We also thought about how the weather was making us feel and what effect the weather was having on the beach.  We liked the way the sun was shining down on the sea, making it shimmer like glitter.  We moved on to doing our PE next.  We carried on our athletics by thinking about different ways to move.  We ran some races by travelling forwards, backwards, sideways and in a zig zag pattern.  We got very competitive! We needed a drink and snack after all that running around.  After a quick break we did some poetry.  We listened to a poem called ‘Treasure Chest Mystery’.  We recited it in groups before performing it for our friends.  Then we thought about other things we might find lurking at the bottom of the treasure chest and made our own class version of the poem.

At beach school this week, the children were tasked with creating a timeline in the sand of Ancient Greece and other periods of time that ran alongside it. This activity helped to develop their historical knowledge and understanding, as they were encouraged to think about the different events and achievements of each time period. In addition to creating the timeline, the children also acted out different parts of the period of times that they knew about, which helped to bring their learning to life and make it more memorable. They also came up with questions for the time periods that they were less familiar with. The children also had the opportunity to recap key conversational phrases in Ukrainian, which broadened their understanding of different cultures and languages. They also took part in a PE learning sprinting techniques and long jump, which helped to develop their physical skills and coordination. To finish their PE lesson the children played a football match, where they put all their learning and practice into playing as a team with a great game!