
Welcome back after the half term break.  I hope you had lots of fun.
We were straight back into our learning this week.  We did some lovely writing in English.  We wrote a recount of our class text from before half term, making sure it had some interesting adjectives and conjunctions in.  In maths the year 1 were looking at systematic number bonds and the year 2s were looking at taking away from a multiple of 10, using number bonds to 10.

We started a new theme in RE this week ‘Why does Christmas matter to Christians?’.  Our question this week was ‘How do Christians get ready for Christmas?’.  We started by thinking of birthdays and what we do to get ready.  We then listened to the Christmas story and  made a list of all the things we could think of to do with Christmas.  After that we discussed the sorts of things Christians do to get ready for Christmas such as shopping, preparing food, writing cards and wrapping presents.

We also started many other units this week including art and computing.  In art we are looking at working with clay.  This week we were learning how to manipulate it into different shapes.  In computing we are looking at digital painting and we used the paintZ programme.  We experimented with a range of different tools on the programme to make a bonfire and firework inspired picture.

BIG MATHS promotions this week went to JOSEPH, LUCY, ELEN and ELIJAH.  Well done everyone!

Have a good weekend

Miss Murray