Blog 07.02.25

This week we have been using the book ‘First Facts-Dinosaurs’ and other non-fiction books.  We have been focusing on fossils, dinosaur bones and dinosaur skeletons. 

Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this.

Writing – Nursery: Choose a fossil to write about and tell an adult what your writing says Reception: Choose a fossil to write about and use the sounds you know in your writing

Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw an iguanodon  

Maths – Nursery: Put the dinosaur bones in size order Reception: Put the dinosaur bones in size order and measure the longest and shortest

Playdough – Nursery: Make 3 playdough fossils Reception: Make 4 playdough fossils and write the names of the dinosaurs

Creative – Nursery: Cut and stick a dinosaur skeleton Reception: Cut and stick a dinosaur skeleton and write the name of the dinosaur

Outside  – Nursery: Dig for some fossils Reception: Dig for some fossils and make a list of what you find

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Balance three dinosaurs Reception: Balance five dinosaurs

In RWInc the Reception children have read a green Green ditty book and have been recapping all the Set 2 sounds.  Some of the nursery children have been learning about the sound ‘t’ and have been playing some rhyming games and the other nursery children have been playing listening games and using musical instruments to add a sound track to the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’

In maths the Reception children have been finding pairs of numbers that make ten. We have also been measuring dinosaur skeletons.  The nursery children have been learning about number four some have continued to learn about repeating patterns.

This week in music we explored tempo and pitch through dance.  We used scarves to show whether the music was high or low.  In PE we practised travelling in different ways and looking for a space to move into.  With Mrs Brealey we learnt about first aid and what to do in an emergency. We practised putting plasters and bandages on some toys.  On Wednesday with Miss Murray we took on the challenge of working together to build  small dens. In RE we have been learning that a mosque is a special place for Muslims.  We have also been finding out about plants that grew when dinosaurs were alive.  We went on a hunt for some moss and found some growing on the wall.  In the tuff tray this week we loved having the dinosaur swamp and coloured spaghetti!

Thank you so much to all the parents that came into school for our number afternoon.  We hope you enjoyed completing the activities with your children. 

Starfish star of the week was Annie.  Even though she is the nursery she has done some amazing reading and maths this week.

Next week we will continue to use non-fiction books to find out information and facts about dinosaurs.