Blog 11.10.24
This week our story has been ‘Charlie’s Superhero Underpants’ by Paul Bright and Lee Wildish. The story begins on a wild and windy day when all the washing blows away. Socks and vests, a woolly hat, and far worse than all of that - Charlie's Superhero Underpants! Disaster! Charlie sets off around the world to find them. He discovers a fine French Fox wearing sister Sophie's Socks, he finds a pair of llamas, wearing brother Ben's pyjamas. Charlie eventually found his Superhero Underpants on a yeti!
Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to the story:
Writing – Nursery: write a list of all the animals in the story and tell an adult what your writing says Reception: write a list of all the animals in the story and use the sounds that you know in your writing.
Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw a hot air balloon
Maths – Nursery: Use cubes to make the lion balance Reception: Use cubes to make the lion balance and count how many you used
Playdough – Nursery: Make some playdough mountains Reception: Make some playdough mountains and write a label
Creative – Nursery: Paint some scarlet superhero underpants Reception: Paint some scarlet superhero underpants, cut them out and write ‘pow’ across the front
Outside – Nursery: Make a muddy Mississippi river
Funky Fingers – Nursery: do up the buttons on a shirt Reception: do up and then undo the buttons on a shirt
In RWInc the Reception children have continued to recap all the sounds learnt so far. We have been reading some RWInc ditties and writing words and short phrases. The nursery children have been focusing on sounds people make and listening and remembering different sounds.
In Music this week we have been exploring nature sounds. We listened to some sounds that might be heard outside. We made a list of sounds that we thought that we might hear at the quarry. Later in the week we went to the quarry to tick how many sounds we heard. In PE with Sam we were practising throwing and catching and aiming at a target. On Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Brealey we tasted different coloured water and juice as we investigated our sense of taste. Our poem this week was ‘Cup of Tea’ it was a short poem again so once more Starfish found it easy to learn! In our story this week Charlie took sandwiches and sardines on his journey to find his lost underpants. We all made a sandwich like Charlie for our snack and everyone had a taste of sardines. We also made a repeating pattern tie like the tie that got lost and made a list of all the washing that blew away. In the story the yeti is 'as warm as toast' in Charlies superhero underpants. We made toast to see how warm 'warm as toast' is. We each buttered a piece of toast for our snack.
Our RE question this week was ‘How are some babies welcomed in the Christian tradition?’. We looked at some photographs of when some children in Starfish class had been baptised. We watched a video of a baby’s baptism and had a visit to Holy Trinity Church to look at the font. Some of us played with the baptism topic bag and recreated our own baptisms.
On Thursday morning some of our parents came to play in our classroom. We loved being able to share all the exciting things in our classroom with them.
Starfish star of the week was Frankie. He always listens well and follows instructions. Frankie often helps other children in the class.
Next week we will continue with our story ‘Charlie’s Superhero Underpants’ by Paul Bright and Lee Wildish.