
Starfish Class is for our Early Years children from the Reception and Nursery year groups.  They are taught by Mrs Popay and supported by Mrs Cotton.  Miss Crowe also help out in the class and Mrs Brealey comes in to work with us on Tuesday afternoons.
Things to remember:
Children in Starfish class do not need to bring in wellies and waterproofs into class every day as we have them in school for them to wear
Beach School  Children join the rest of school for Beach School on a Friday. Children will need to come into school wearing PE kit and their own wellies and waterproofs.     Reception children will also need to bring a backpack and water bottle.  Water is provided for nursery children at the beach and don't require a back pack..
Tapestry Learning is recorded through the online learning journey system, Tapestry.  All parents have an account to see their child's learning at the touch of a button (or 2).  If you are struggling to access your Tapestry account please speak to a member of staff who can help you.
Reading Books Reception children will bring home a reading sheet or reading book aligned to their phonics lessons.  It is expected that Reception children practise their reading daily. Reading books are changed on Mondays and Thursdays.  All Reception children have Boom Reader log ons.  It is expected that parents log their reading (home books, school library books and reading practice).  New books will not be issued until previous ones are returned. All children are given the opportunity to choose a library book to bring home each week.  Nursery children have the opportunity to take home a story sack each week.   If books are not returned/lost a charge will be made to cover the cost of purchasing new ones.
Homework Children have weekly requirements to read their reading books, go online and use Reading Eggs and Numbots.
PE The children take part in PE sessions with NUFC on Wednesdays.  Children will need to come into school wearing PE kit.