Blog 18.10.24

This week we continued with our story  ‘Charlie’s Superhero Underpants’ by Paul Bright and Lee Wildish.  

Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to the story:

Writing – Nursery: Write a description of Charlies underpants and tell an adult what your writing says Reception: Write a description of Charlies underpants and use the sounds that you know in your writing.

Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw the Eifel Tower

Maths – Nursery: Put the yetis in size order Reception: Put the yetis in size order and measure them using cubes.

Construction – Nursery: Build an aeroplane Reception: Design and build an aeroplane

Creative – Nursery: Decorate a hot air balloon  Reception: Decorate a hot air balloon and make a list of what you used

Outside – Nursery: Peg out some washing

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Use stars to decorate some underpants Reception: Use two different coloured stars to create pattern to decorate the superhero underpants

All of the Reception children completed their Rainbow Challenges – Well done!

In RWInc the Reception children have continued to recap all the sounds learnt so far.  We have been reading some RWInc ditties and writing words and short phrases.  The nursery children have been focusing on sounds people make and listening and remembering different sounds.

In Music this week we have been exploring sounds.  We looked at different instruments and sorted them depending on how they could be played.    In PE with Sam we continued practising throwing and catching and aiming at a target.  On Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Brealey we listened to the story of Goldilocks and thought about the different senses Goldilocks would have used.  Our poem this week was ‘I had a Little Frog’.  We really enjoyed it as it was a funny one!  In our story this week Charlie tells his family that ‘he may be back quite late’.  We discussed what ‘late’ meant and using the clocks to make some ‘late’ times.  We also designed our own superhero underpants and the Reception children created a ‘lost’ poster for Charlies Superhero Underpants.

We were thrilled to have a visit from Trinity Tots this week and were able to meet some of the new children that will start in Starfish Class in January.

Our RE question this week was ‘How do Hindu brothers and sisters show their love for one each other at a festival?’.  We found out about the Hindu festival of Raksha Bandhan.  We explored the topic box and then we made bracelets for people we love.

Starfish star of the week was Daisy.  She has been working really hard on writing her name.

Next week we will use non-fiction books about real life superheroes to end our ‘What’s your Superpower?’ theme.