Blog 14.06.24

We continued with the story ‘My Pet Goldfish’ by Catherine Rayner this week. 


Our Rainbow challenges this week have been:

Writing – Nursery: Write about how to look after a goldfish and tell a grown up what your writing says Reception: Write about how to look after a goldfish

Maths – Nursery: Count the number of fins on the fish  Reception: Write numbers on the fish scales

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Use your fingers to catch some fish Reception: Use the tweezers to catch some fish. 

Construction– Nursery: Make a Lego goldfish Reception: Make a lego goldfish and count how many blocks you used.

Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw a fish tank

Creative – Nursery: Paint a picture that looks like the front cover of the book Reception: Paint a picture to look like the cover of the book.  Talk about how you mixed the colours.

Outside – Nursery: Use a net to catch some fish Reception: Use a net to catch all the fish as quickly as you can


In maths this week the Reception children have been learning about making patterns.  The Nursery children have been learning about missing numbers in number lines.


This week in Read, Write Inc. the Reception children have been learning the same sound, different spelling.  Some of the Nursery children have been recapping the sounds they have learnt and have used magnetic letters to make words.    The other Nursery children have continued to listen to the difference in jungle animal sounds and identifying loud and quiet sounds.


On Monday we should have gone to Pet’s at Home to look at the fish and buy some fish for our classroom.  Unfortunately, we were unable to go but we did still manage to get some fish this week.  After a lengthy discussion, a long list of names chosen by the children and some democratic voting we finally settled on some names.  Welcome to Starfish class ‘Sheila’ and ‘Livy’! 


Our music this half term is ‘Big Band’.  This week we thought about what makes an instrument, we looked at and listened to lots of different instruments.  We then used our instruments to play along to some music.  Lots of us have enjoyed making jam cakes this week, following the instructions and making them independently. One of our favourite things this week was coloured spaghetti in the tuff tray!  We had so much fun exploring the texture and what it could do.  In PE we did some races with Sam, this is to help us get ready for sports day in a few weeks.


In our story this week the girl in the story always tells her goldfish about her day.  We discussed memories that we have, using our busy book to help us.  We took in turns to be the goldfish listening to what the other person said.  We then had to remember what they said to tell everyone else.


This week it was our class worship.  We all worked really hard to tell the story of ‘The Runaway Chapatti’.  Mrs Popay and Mrs Cotton were so proud of us all.

Our RE this half term in ‘Why is the word ‘God’ important to Christians?’.  This week we heard the Christian story of Creation which told us how Christians believe the world began.


Our Starfish star of the week was Benji who made a fantastic poster at beach school for World Ocean Day last Friday.


Next week our story will be ‘Bog Baby’ by Jeanne Willis.