Blog 24.05.24

This week we have continued with our story  ‘The Runaway Chapatti’ by Susan and Adam Price. 


Our Rainbow challenges this week have been:

Writing – Nursery: Write speech bubbles for what the girl and the animals are saying and tell a grown up what your writing says Reception: Write speech bubbles for what the girl and the animals are saying.

Maths – Nursery: Cut out three chapattis and put them in size order Reception: Cut out six chapattis and put them in size order.

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Draw over the tiger’s stripes Reception: Use four colours to draw over the tiger’s stripes.

Playdough– Nursery: Make an animal from the story Reception: Make all the animals from the story

Drawing – Follow the instructions to a dog

Creative – Nursery: Make a paper chain crocodile Reception: Make a paper chain crocodile and tell an adult how you made it

Outside – Nursery: Make a chapatti in the mud kitchen Reception: Make a chapatti in the mud kitchen and write a list of what you used.


In maths this week the Reception children have continued learning grouping and sharing.  The Nursery children have also been learning about more and less and have been identifying missing numbers on a number line.


This week in Read, Write Inc. the Reception children have continued to learn about same sound but different spelling.  Some of the Nursery children have been learning the sounds r,j,v and y and the other Nursery children have been playing lots of rhyming games


In music this week we have been creating our own compositions with boats, train and cars.  We decided what noises to make, when it would be fast or slow or whether it would be loud or soft.  We worked together in groups an then performed to the rest of the class.  Our story for the last two weeks is set in India so in music we also listened to some music from the Indian subcontinent and looked at a sari.  Part of the story is set in the rainforest so we did some leaf printing this week to create a rainforest scene.  The Reception children have written some of the story and we have all been practising 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th places using the character from the story. We also loved having our parents come to have lunch with us on Thursday!


Starfish star of the week this week was Benji for amazing maths.  Well done Benji!


After half term we will start our new theme of ‘Splish, splash, splosh’.  Our first story will be ‘My Pet Goldfish’ by Catherine Rayner.