Blog 14.02.25

This week we have continued to use the book ‘First Facts-Dinosaurs’ and other non-fiction books.  We have been focusing on feathered dinosaurs , dinosaurs that live in water and dinosaur eggs..

Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this.

Writing – Nursery: Write a caption for the dinosaur pictures and tell an adult what your writing says Reception: Write a caption for the dinosaur pictures and use the sounds you know in your writing

Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw an pterodactyl   

Maths – Nursery: Tell an adult the missing numbers on the number line Reception: Write the missing numbers on the number line

Construction – Nursery: Make a dinosaur cave using blocks Reception: Design and make a dinosaur cave using blocks

Creative – Nursery: Make a handprint stegosaurus Reception: Cut out a dinosaur and make a handprint dinosaur

Outside  – Nursery: Draw a dinosaur using chalk on the playground Reception: Draw and label a dinosaur using chalk on the playground

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Trace the path to the dinosaur egg Reception: Trace all the paths to the dinosaur egg

In RWInc the Reception children have read a green Green ditty book and have been recapping all the Set 2 sounds.  Some of the nursery children have been learning about the sound ‘i’ and have been playing some rhyming games and the other nursery children have been playing listening games and making sounds for the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’

In maths the Reception children have been combining pairs of numbers within ten. We have also been making different sized dinosaur eggs.  The nursery children have been learning about three, four and five and some nursery children have been learning about heavier, lighter and balancing.

This week in music we sang some dinosaur songs.  In PE we continued to practise travelling in different ways and looking for a space to move into.  With Mrs Brealey we began working on our Crest Star Award.  This week we worked on our ‘Be Seen Be Safe’ challenge. We found out about reflection and light.  We tested different materials to see how reflective they were.  On Wednesday with Miss Murray we took on the challenge of learning new skills, showing resilience and perseverance. We practised walking on a tightrope along the floor, juggling with scarves and waving ribbon sticks. We have also been finding out about feathered dinosaurs and dinosaurs that  live in water.  In RE we have been finding out about Gurdwaras.  A  Gurdwara is special place for Sikhs.

On Friday we went for a walk around the village to do another part of our Crest Star Award.  This time we were plant detectives.  We looked for plants that were growing in unusual places.  We followed a map and each time we saw a plant growing in an unusual place we put a sticker on our map.

Starfish star of the week was Henry.  He has been trying really hard to write the letters in his name.

Next week will be the last week of our ‘Long, Long Ago’ topic.  The children have chosen our book of the week next week.  They have chosen ‘The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet’ by Tom Fletcher & Dougie Poynter.