
We began this week by thinking about what Remembrance Day is all about.  We discussed why it is an important day and who is being remembered.  We read a story and discussed why the poppy is a symbol for Remembrance Day.  We then had a go at making an acrostic poppy poem in pairs.  On Monday afternoon we used our digital art skills to make some poppy art on the chrome books.  We also had our Sam PE session.
This week we have also started our new class text.  Again we began by looking closely at the first page to see if it gave us any clues as to what the story is about.  We discussed the girl in the picture and made a character description based on what we observed.  
In art we used clay to make a pinch pot with a handle.  We used the pinching method as well as using 'slip' to securely attach the handle.  In music we were experimenting with dynamics and using the story of the three little pigs to do this.  We thought carefully about the characters and the kind of voice we could use for these.  
In RE we discussed about preparing for a baby and all the things that a new baby will need.  We thought about how Mary might have been feeling before baby Jesus was born and what she might have needed. 
Puffin STAR OF THE WEEK this week was EMILIE.  Emilie worked hard on making her writing more interesting by using a range of different adjectives and conjunctions.  Well done Emilie!
BIG MATHS promotions this week went to ARCHIE, EMILIE and JESSIE. Keep up the hard work everyone.
Have a good weekend
Miss Murray