Blog 31.01.25
What a great week have had learning all about Lunar/Chinese New Year. We have heard the story of the great race which explains how the order of animals was decided and we have read lots of different books giving us information and telling us about how the new year is celebrated
Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this.
Writing – Nursery: Write about the Chinese New Year story and tell an adult what your writing says Reception: Write about the Chinese New Year story and use the sounds you know in your writing
Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw a snake (2025 is the year of the snake)
Maths – Nursery: Use Numicon to fill the dragon shape Reception: Use Numicon to fill the dragon shape and write how many pieces of Numicon you used
Playdough – Nursery: Make some playdough noodles Reception: Make some playdough noodles and copy the word ‘noodles’ in Chinese
Creative – Nursery: Make a dragon Reception: Make a dragon using a repeating pattern
Cooking – Nursery: Make a dragon biscuit Rex Reception: Make a dragon biscuit and write a list of the ingredients
Funky Fingers – Nursery: Put the buttons of the dragon Reception: Use tweezers to put the buttons on the dragon
Some of the Reception children did all their Rainbow Challenges and their Gold Challenge – Well done!
In RWInc the Reception children have read a green Green ditty book and have been recapping all the Set 2 sounds. Some of the nursery children have been learning about the sound ‘d’ and have been playing some rhyming games and some of the nursery children have been listening and making different sounds that might be heard in the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In maths the Reception children have been finding all the ways to make nine and ten. We have also been ordering the animals in the Chinese New Year story. The nursery children have been learning about triangles and square and some have been learning one about repeating patterns.
This week in music we have learnt a Chinese New Year song ‘Kong Hei Fatt Choy’ which means ‘Happy New Year’ in the verses we sang about how Chinese families prepare for the new year. In PE we practised travelling on a bench in different ways and continued to practise jumping safely from a bench. With Mrs Brealey we learnt about people we can trust. On Wednesday afternoon we joined with Puffins to celebrate Chinese New Year. We made dragons, lanterns, ate with chopsticks, made dragons from Duplo, made a snake and coloured a 2025 poster. We ate some prawn crackers and each had a fortune cookie. We have also made lucky Chinese New Year red envelopes and the Reception children made dragon biscuits.
Starfish star of the week was Tia. She has done amazing writing and also remembering her finger spaces.
Next week we will return to our Dinosaur theme and will be using non fiction books to find out some information and facts about dinosaurs.