28th June 2024

The highlight of this week has definitely been sports day.  The weather was looking a bit dodgy in the morning but in true British style the sun came up for an extra sunny afternoon.  All the children got stuck into each activity and gave it their all.  I was super impressed with their sportsmanship.  Well done to the winning team and thank you grown ups for coming along to support the children.  Your cheerleading certainly spurred them on.  The ice creams were well deserved at the end!

Back in the classroom, this week, the year 2s have been looking at fractions of amounts, especially quarters of amounts.  We then pushed them further to find 2/4 or even ¾ of an amount.  Some of them used resources to help them while others drew pictures to help.  The Year 1s were looking at turns as well as position and direction.  They were using the correct language to help them find a way through a maze.

In computing we started our unit on pictograms.  We used a programme, on the chrome books, called j2e.  On there we were able to create a pictogram to match the data we had collected prior to this.

In music we used our knowledge of musical instruments and Little Red Riding Hood to create a piece of music.  We matched parts of the story to different musical instruments and as a group decided how best to play them.  We considered the tempo and the dynamics for the music.  We rehearsed it in our groups before performing it to the rest of the class. 

We had a good week in big maths too with lots of 10/10 and scores being beaten.  We also had promotions for PENNY and EMILY B.  Well done.


Have a good weekend

Miss Murray