Blog 1.7.24

Our story this week is  ‘Billy’s Bucket’ by Kes Gray.  In the story Billy only wants only one thing for his birthday - a bucket. Inside it, he can see all kinds of magnificent sea creatures. But Mum and Dad are sceptical and, when Dad unwittingly uses the bucket to clean his car, he's in for a big surprise as a huge whale appears from inside and it takes six hours, three fire engines, four cranes and a show horn to return it to the bucket.


Our Rainbow challenges this week have been:

Writing – Nursery: Label the sea creatures and tell a grown up what your writing says Reception: Label the sea creatures

Maths – Nursery: Make a two colour repeating bucket pattern  Reception: Make  a three colour repeating pattern

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Help make a paper chain octopus Reception: Make ten loops for our paper chain octopus

Construction– Nursery: Build a bucket shop Reception: Build a bucket shop and write some price labels

Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw a bucket and colour it yellow

Creative – Nursery: Draw the inside of Billy’s Bucket Reception: Draw and label what you can see in the inside of Billy’s Bucket

Outside – Nursery: Use a bucket and find things that float and sink Reception: use a bucket and find things that float and sink.  Make a list of things that float


In maths this week the Reception children have been practising counting, estimating and numbers bigger than twenty.  The Nursery children have been learning about what numbers come after.


This week in Read, Write Inc. the Reception children have been learning the same sound, different spelling.  Some of the Nursery children have been recapping the sounds they have learnt and have used magnetic letters to make words.    The other Nursery children been listening to underwater sounds and thinking about the sounds that underwater animals start with.


In the story Billy wanted a bucket for a present.  We thought about what we would like for a present and some of the children drew and wrote about what they would like.  We also designed and drew our own buckets and thought about what we would like to see if we looked in our buckets.  We also watched a video of underwater creatures and had a discussion about the different animals.



Next week we will continue our story of ‘Billy’s Bucket’.