Blog 21.02.25

This week the children chose the story ‘The Dinosaur That Pooped A Planet!’ by Tom Fletcher and Dougie Poynter.  In the story Danny and Dinosaur  go into space! But when Danny realises he's forgotten Dino's lunch box, the very hungry dinosaur eats everything in sight, including their only way home: the rocket! Dino manages to get them home in a very unusual way!
Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story.
Writing – Nursery: Write a list of what Dinosaur pooped and tell an adult what your writing says. Reception: Write a list of what Dinosaur pooped using the sounds you know.
Drawing - Follow the instructions to draw a Spinosaurus. Maths – Nursery: Make a rocket launcher remote and write numbers. Reception: Make a rocket launcher and write the numbers 1-20.
Construction – Nursery: Build a rocket for Danny and Dinosaur. Reception: Design and build a rocket for Danny and Dinosaur.
Creative – Nursery: Paint a planet and put Danny and the Dinosaur on it. Reception: Paint a planet and cut out Danny and the Dinosaur to put on it.
Outside - Nursery: Make some Dinosaur poo. Reception: Make some Dinosaur poo and write a list of what's inside.
Funky Fingers – Nursery: Trace the patterns. Reception: Trace the patterns 5 times.
In RWInc reception children have been reading the green ditty book ‘Chips’ and continuing to recap set 2 sounds. Some nursery children have been learning about the sound ‘n’ and have been playing rhyming games. In reception maths children have been using the 10 frames to help make number bonds to 10. The nursery have been focusing on one more and some nursery children have been looking at shapes and how many sides and corners they have.
This week in music we have been learning some Makaton nursery rhymes. In PE we continued with travelling in different ways and how Dinosaurs move. With Mrs Brealey we continued working on our Crest Star Award. We were looking at Sneaky Shadows. How they are formed and made our own Dinosaur puppets. Miss Murray helped us to learn about team work, and working together as a team. We worked as a team to move objects from one side of the classroom to the other. In RE we talked about what makes places special and is there somewhere in our class that is special.
After half term we are starting our new topic ‘On The Move’. Our book will be 'The Train Ride' by June Crebbin.