Blog 12.7.24

This week we continued with the story ‘Billy’s Bucket’ by Kes Gray.  The children have been really enjoying this story and are able to recall lots of detail from the story and are able to retell it to each other.

Our Rainbow challenges this week have been:

Writing – Nursery: Make a birthday card for Billy Reception: make a birthday card for Billy and write inside

Maths – Nursery: Find the coins to pay for the buckets  Reception: Make  the correct amounts to pay for the buckets

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Fill the bucket with gems Reception: use the tweezers to fill the bucket with gems

Playdough– Nursery: Make a birthday cake for Billy Reception: make a birthday cake for Billy and write a label for the cake

Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw a whale

Creative – Nursery: Use water colours to paint the inside of Billy’s Bucket Reception: Use water colours to paint what you can see in the inside of Billy’s Bucket.  EWrite labels for the different creatures

Outside – Nursery: Carry a bucket of water across the playgound Reception: Carry a bucket around the playground


In maths this week the Reception children have been practising halving, adding and subtracting.  The Nursery children have been using the Numicon to match with numbers and spots on dice.


This week in Read, Write Inc. the Reception children have been learning the same sound, different spelling.  Some of the Nursery children have been blending and making cvc words.    The other Nursery children been thinking about the sounds that underwater animals start with and learning some rhymes.


This week we wrote some poems about buckets, drew story maps for ‘Billy’s Bucket’ and made our own bucket books about what we might see in our own buckets.

Next week is our last week of school for this academic year.  The children were really interested in looking at the world map when we used the book 'Anna Hibiscus Splash' in beach school  so next week we will be looking at a different country each day from five different continents.  We will look at music, culture, geography, food, stories and crafts.