Blog 24.01.25

This week we read the story ‘Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs’ by Ian Whybrow.  In the story Harry finds some dusty plastic dinosaurs in Nan's attic. He cleans them, finds out their names and takes them everywhere - until, one day, the dinosaurs get left on a train! Luckily, lost property has found them and Harry manages to get them back by proving they are his.

Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story.

Writing – Nursery: Write about the story and tell an adult what your writing says Reception: Write about the story and use the sounds you know in your writing

Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw a Triceratops

Maths – Nursery: Use the shapes to  make a dinosaur Reception: Use the shapes to make a dinosaur and write a list of the shapes you have used

Playdough – Nursery: Make a bucket for a dinosaur Reception: Make a bucket big enough  for all the dinosaurs

Creative – Nursery: Make a lift the flap dinosaur picture Reception: Make a lift the flap dinosaur picture and write the name of the dinosaur

Outside – Nursery: Make a meal for a Tyrannosaurus Rex Reception: Make a Tyrannosaurus Rex and write a list of what you used

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Build a bridge for the dinosaurs Reception: Use ten blocks and ten lolly sticks to build a bridge for the dinosaurs

Some of the Reception children did all their Rainbow Challenges and their Gold Challenge – Well done!

In RWInc the Reception children have read a green Green ditty book and have been recapping all the Set 2 sounds.  Some of the nursery children have been learning about the sound ‘s’ and have been playing some rhyming games and some of the nursery children have been listening to different sounds that might be heard in the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  In maths the Reception children have been finding all the ways to make six, seven and eight. We have also been sorting dinosaurs in different ways.  The nursery children have been practising counting, number recognition and some have been learning one more and one less using songs.

This week in music we have been exploring tempo.  We listened to some different pieces of music and had to decide whether they were fast, slow or moderate tempo.  In PE we practised jumping safely from a bench and holding our landing position.  With Mrs Brealey we learnt about different types of houses. In PSHE this week we spoke about ways of keeping calm and Miss Murray helped us with some ways of breathing.  In RE we learnt about how viharas  are special places for Buddhists.  We looked at a video tour or a vihara and then we investigated a model of a vihara.   We have also been writing descriptions of different dinosaurs and drew a huge dinosaur world.  One day this week for our snack we made jam sandwiches, they were yummy!

Starfish star of the week was Bea.  She has done some super reading in Read, Write, Inc and in class.

 Next week it is Lunar/Chinese New Year so we will be learning about the special celebration.