Blog 17.01.25

This week we continued with our story ‘Gigantosaurus’ by Jonny Duddle.  It’s been a great story to read and we have learnt lots of the repeating phrases in the book.

Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this story.

Writing – Nursery: Write something that Bonehead might say and tell an adult what your writing says Reception: Write something that Bonehead might say and use the sounds you know in your writing

Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw a Tyrannosaurus Rex

Maths – Nursery: Sort the different pictures from the story   Reception: Sort the pictures from the story and count how many pairs of pictures there were

Playdough – Nursery: Make a cave for a dinosaur Reception: Make a cave for a big dinosaur and a small dinosaur

Creative – Nursery: Make a handprint dinosaur Reception: Make a herd of handprint dinosaurs

Outside – Nursery: Make a swamp for a dinosaur Reception: Make a swamp for a dinosaur and write a list of what you used

Funky Fingers – Nursery: Put the peg spines on the stegosaurus Reception: Put fifteen peg spines on the stegosaurus

Some of the Reception children did all their Rainbow Challenges and their Gold Challenge – Well done!


In RWInc the Reception children have read a green Green ditty book and have learnt the sound ‘oy’.  They have now learnt all the Set 2 sounds.  Some of the nursery children have been learning about the sound ‘a’ and have been playing some rhyming games and some of the nursery children have been making different vocal sounds.  In maths the Reception children have been finding all the ways to make five and have continued to practise recognising teen numbers. They have also been measuring dinosaurs using cubes. The nursery children have been practising counting, number recognition and some have been learning one more and one less using songs.

This week in music we have been finding the beat.  We listened to a heartbeat and clock ticking and then tried to find the beat some pieces of music. In PE we practised stopping on a signal and jumping safely from a bench.  With Mrs Brealey we learnt about staying safe when using electricity. In PSHE this week we spoke about taking on challenges and Miss Murray set us the challenge of working together to copy a picture and create the model in the picture.  In RE we learnt about how churches are special places for Christians.  We looked at photos of Holy Trinity church and photos of when we had been to church.  We then investigated a model of a church.   We have also been writing about the baby dinosaurs in ‘Gigantosaurus’ and describing what they look like.

Starfish star of the week was Rhea.  She has been a helpful member of our class.

Next week our story will be ‘Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs’ by Ian Whybrow.