
This week in Seal Class, we delved deeply into the poem "Neighbours" by Valerie Bloom. We engaged in thoughtful discussions about our personal reflections on the poem, identifying aspects we appreciated as well as elements we felt could be improved. In our debate regarding a suitable title for the piece, our opinions varied greatly, reflecting the diversity of interpretations within the class. Following this, we composed formal letters of invitation, considering whether we would extend an invitation to our neighbours based on our analysis of the poem.

In our History lessons, we embarked on an exploration of the creation story, examining the various gods and goddesses that play integral roles in Ancient Egypt. 

Additionally, we participated in a skipping festival, where the children enthusiastically engaged in a variety of activities. It was heartening to see their joy and excitement, as each child learned something unique about the art of skipping, enhancing both their skills and team spirit.

Furthermore, we embarked on a practical project constructing prototypes of slingshot cars. Using various materials, children experimented to discover which components yielded the most effective designs.

Finally, our Star of the Week was Rosie Be, for her exemplary effort to follow classroom expectations and her consistent hard work throughout the week.