Blog 22.11.24
Our book this week has been ‘Giraffes can’t Dance’ by Giles Andreae. In the story Gerald the giraffe wants nothing more than to dance. With crooked knees and thin legs, it's harder for a giraffe than you would think. Gerald is finally able to dance to his own tune when he gets some encouraging words from an unlikely friend.
Our Rainbow Challenges this week have been related to this book:
Writing – Nursery: Write some words to describe a giraffe and tell an adult what your writing says Reception: Write some words to describe a giraffe and use the sounds that you know in your writing.
Drawing – Follow the instructions to draw a giraffe
Maths – Nursery: Put the animal pictures in order Reception: Put the animal pictures in order and match then with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th.
Playdough – Nursery: Make Gerald’s face Reception: Make Gerald’s face and write a label
Creative – Nursery: Put some finger print spots on Gerald Reception: Put some finger print spots on Gerald and tell an adult how you made the colour brown
Outside –Sort the jungle animals and talk about how you have sorted them
Funky Fingers – Nursery: Use the tweezers to out the cheerio spots on the giraffe. Reception: Use the tweezers to out the cheerio spots on the giraffe before the timer runs out.
Some of the Reception children completed all their challenges and their Gold Challenge – well done!
In RWInc the Reception children have been reading a ditty book and learning the sound ‘ow’ and ‘oo’. The nursery children have been making different sounds outside and listening to sounds in the environment. In maths the Reception children have been learning about one more and one less and the Nursery children have been learning about patterns. We have also ordered giraffes by size and counted different jungle animals.
In our Celebration Music this week we found out about African Kwanzaa music. We sang a call and response song and used the drums to play along to some African drumming. In PE with Sam we continued practising our tag games played some throwing and catching games. Our poem this week was ‘Monkey Babies’. The children did a brilliant job of remembering it.
In our story this week ‘Giraffes can’t Dance’ the animals and giraffes dance in different ways. We watched some dancing and then made a list of words to describe dance movements. With Mrs Brealey on Tuesday we found out where birds live and what they need to survive and then tried to make our own birds nest!
Our star of the week is Emma. She has been really good this week at following Embleton Expects.
Next week we will continue with the story ‘Giraffe can’t Dance’.